miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Aprendí que los amores pueden terminar en una noche.  
Que grandes amigos pueden volverse grandes desconocidos.
 Que desconocidos pueden volverse grandes amigos. 
 Que nunca terminamos de conocer a una persona.  
Que el 'nunca más' nunca se cumple y que el 'para siempre' siempre termina
 Que el que quiere lo puede, lo logra y lo consigue. 
 Que el que arriesga NO PIERDE.

When was the last time you thought of me?
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
I often think about where I went wrong,
The more I do, THE LESS I KNOW .

You cast a spell on me, spell on me. You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me and I decided you look well on me, well on me so let’s go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me. Turn the lights out now, now I’ll take you by the hand, hand you another drink, drink it if you can, can you spend a little time, time is slipping away from us so stay, stay with me I can make, make you glad you came
No more fears

No me olvide de VOS. Me acordé de ...